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2025 Northland Field Days
Exhibitor Registration Form

Your Contact Details

The contact details required below are for the person who will be our main point of contact and these details are only for our office use (not listed anywhere publicly). Please ensure you enter the most appropriate information so that we can communicate easily.

Company Details

This information is what may be displayed publicly (in our Programme for example) and we will also use this address on any invoices / statements - please ensure you enter the contact information you want the public to see - for example, you may wish to enter the Companys' main office telephone number rather than your mobile phone number.

Accounting Details

This information is for accounting purposes - please ensure you enter the contact information.

My company Requires PO Number on invoices
Third Party Disclosure

We take your privacy seriously and therefore we do not give out any contact details to Third Parties such as the Media without your consent. We partner with a few media companies who advertise and promote our event and they would like to contact you so that they can offer you deals on advertising opportunities relating to your Company exhibiting at the Northland Field Days event. Please select the box below if you are happy for Media Companies to contact you.

I accept to have my information disclosed to Media Companies
Type of Sites Required

These are the only types of sites we have at our event:

FULL SITE = 14m wide x 18m deep, outdoors on grass, you must provide your own all-weather shelter. Site Fee is $810-$1150 (depends on location).

HALF SITE = 7m wide x 18m deep, outdoors on grass, you must provide your own all-weather shelter. Site Fee is $565-$710 (depends on location).

OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE SITE - you must provide your own all-weather shelter = 6m wide x 3.5m deep. Site Fee is $350 .

RURAL PAVILION SITE = 4m wide x 3m deep, inside huge marquee on grass. Site Fee is $640 .

LIFESTYLE PAVILION SITE - 3m wide x 4m deep, inside huge marquee on grass. Site Fee is $490.

OUTDOOR ZONE HALF SITE - 7m wide x 18m deep, outdoors on grass, you must provide your own all-weather shelter. Site Fee is $630-$710(depends on location)

OUTDOOR ZONE FULL SITE - 14m wide x 18m deep, outdoors on grass, you must provide your own all-weather shelter. Site Fee is $810-$1050(depends on location)

OUTDOOR ZONE SMALL SITE - Outdoor on grass, you must provide your own all-weather shelter = 6m wide x 4m deep. Site Fee is $350 .

MARKET SITE = 6m wide x 6m deep, outdoors on grass, you must provide your own all-weather shelter, no power available. Site Fee is $180.

If you need further information, please go to our website (www.northlandfielddays.co.nz) and look up Sites Information which is under the Exhibitor Zone heading on our homepage. ENTER THE QUANTITY OF THE SITE/S YOU REQUIRE:

Exhibiting Category

Please select as many categories as possible to best describe the products that your company sells.

Indoor Sites Only!

This section is for exhibitors in the LifeStyle and Rural Pavilions Only! Indoor Sites do not have walls, if you require walls on your site you are welcome to organise those yourself, or please tick the box below if you want us to pass your information to a company that organises walls. *Please Note, we are not responsible for organising walls for your site

Please help me organise walls for my site.
Telehandler Assistance

From 2 weeks prior to the event starts until 2 weeks after we have telehandlers available to unload heavy items that get delivered to the event site. Please tick the box below if your company will require Telehandler assistance.

My company will require Telehandler Assistance
Internet Access

If you require to connect multiple devices at your site or if you require a reliable internet connection you might want to look at an internet provider to use during the Northland Field Days. We usually organise with Spark and OneNZ to have cellphone towers at the event venue but can't guarantee that they will be available to provide such service each year. If you want to be contacted with internet options please let us know.

Please send me all internet access information
Extra Power

Apart from the Market Area which does not have a power supply each site indoor and outdoor has a standard 10amp Power Connection. If you require extra power please select below so our electrician can organise the correct power connection for you.

Flag Display

We have flag poles along the main Fenceline on Awakino Point East Road. If you would like to display your company flag please let me know!

On Site Hospitality

Some exhibitors like to offer their clients basic hospitality(i.e.tea, coffee, soft drinks, biscuits..) But if you are planning on offering a catered lunch such as a bbq and/or alcoholic beverages you must ask permission to the Northland Field Days Committee. We will be in touch for more details.

We will be providing food/alcohol on our site.

Subletting is when an exhibiting company shares part of their site with another company. If you would like to invite another company to exhibit at the Northland Field Days using part of your site you must let us know. There is a fee of $115 incl. GST that is payable by the subletting organisation, and they are required to purchase their own exhibitor passes (if you are not able to provide them with what they require). Please contact our office to request a link to the Subletting Form. A supplier is a company who uses part of your site to exhibit the products/services that are sold through your Company – you must be able to prove this relationship if asked to by the Northland Field Days

How did you hear about us?

Before you submit this form please take a couple seconds to let us know if you are a new exhibitor and how you have heard about the Northland Field Days. This helps us understand better how we can focus our Event advertisement!

This is my Company's first time exhibiting at the Northland Field Days
Terms and Conditions